Now-a-days when I look at the local news or even surf the web I always come across stories about someone taking their own life in a so called personal blaze of glory in the public eye. But seriously? I can't see a real reason why someone would do this...
Some reasons I've heard was because of bullying, lost of family member, relationship ending, lost of a job, lost of your own kid, best friend taken advantage of, and so on and so on. All of these...bad and I've heard worse reasons but you don't have to take your own life to ease the pain.
We all really don't know what's next for us after this life. This is not a religious uplifting to become a love-shouting Christian all of sudden so if you're looking for that...spoiler alert: Not happening. But I will say...I do believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; that's my personal opinion and preference. And if you feel differently, that is your right as a human being. No judging from my perspective whether you agree with my beliefs, you're an Atheist, or believe in another one of many religions.
But anyway...hardships, heartbreaks, and basically the shitty moments do come to our life at somepoint. No sucks. But eventually with time willing, you will get pass it and move forward from that dark moment.
You don't need to slit your wrists over losing a job.
You don't need to shoot your brains out over a hearbreak.
You don't need to you hang yourself for being called a slut or whore.
You don't need to jump from a bridge over losing your mom or dad.
There's no need for that. I know this post is not going to change the world and make it suicide free but think about it. Why go through it when you don't even know what's going to happen next?
And as an extra bonus...if you fail at committing this act, then odds are you screwed up yourself and your future.
Times get tough.
Don't give up with your life because it's the easy way out.
Better days come toward those that live life through the good and bad parts of the story.
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