Allo Hello people of the Interwebs! How was your weekend? Grand? Too Short? Wish it went just a tad bit slower? Yeah...I'm kind of wishing that I could have pressed an extension button of some sort.
Fortunately my forehead survived.
Had a lot of fun meeting old and familiar faces along with putting a smile or two on my girlfriend's face. Although I must say the highlight of the trip was thumb wrestling and the laughable sound affects being made while we were playing mobile Air Hockey...during an engagement party.
Oh the expressions and laughter lol.
Alas, back in RVA just in time for Monday! (Hold Your Applause) If you're on the same boat as me waking up to kick things off at the job, going to lecture, or just waking up to get things done...well in simple terms, get things done today! Yes it is Monday...but it's not the worse thing in the world! Cause we all know the worse thing in the world is a Hitler Mustache.
Gahhh...all that evilness in one patch of hair...
Anywho, Monday is staring at the crust in your eyes and thinks that you're gonna fail today. Get out of that bed, suit up, and pull of the upset as the winner of the contest!
Now where's my iPod...need to listen to Suffering from Success on the way to the city...worth copping a LLLISSSTTTEEENNNN! As Philly D says, Love Yo Faces Internet type peoples! and I hope you have a good Monday. I'm off to the city.
Do your thing to the maximum out there and no matter how much hatred, drama, or distractions comes your way today....DO. NOT. STOP.
How are you gonna be quitter when haters don't stop?
Make Your Move.
"Commitment is a big part of what I am and what I believe. How committed are you to winning? How committed are you to being a good friend? To be trustworthy? To being successful? How committed are you to being a good father, a good teammate, a good role model? There's that moment every morning when you look in the mirror: Are you committed, or are you not?"
-LeBron James
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