
A Motivational Alternative

Lyrical Spiritual 31

Let's Go. Let's Go.
Because we're at the end of the show.
Let's Go. Let's Go.
The credits begin to roll.
Let's Go. Let's Go!

But wait there's more!
Just like an infomercial on your screen around 4.
So before you make it to the exit, stay stuck to that chair.
And continue giving this picture a good stare.

The ending credits signaling the end doesn't mean that the show is over.
For this movie has an upcoming sequel.
Without the previews and the ads, we're fast forwarding to the main event.
2 for the price 1? Sounds like a solid movie bet.

Onward to the featured presentation. What kind of genre are you into making?
A thriller? Drama? Maybe a little dark comedy?
Just make sure that the camera has the flash on.
Kind of gets hazy after the story gets a tad stormy.

Looking from the audience perspective, life is similar to the movies.
And you are in the staring role.
The set varies along with the direction and script.
But the finish product is based on whether this life is one that you can't miss.

Is your movie a rating of 1 or is it at the maximum of 5 stars?
Do you fall flat on your face or race towards the unseen stars?
The flick is just average or is it a legendary piece of cinema history?
Because eventually that's what we all of become. History.

So when your movie reaches it's final scene, will people want to watch your movie?
Or will your DVD set put in the cheap-o bin amongst the other copies?
Be Ruthless. Fear Nothing. Live life to the Maximum.
Make your life memorable and larger than life.

Who knows. One day your name may be illuminated in those movie lights.


(Kazie's Daily Musical: "Up, Up & Away" by Kid Cudi)


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