
A Motivational Alternative

Lyrical Spiritual 49.

StefanPrech pictured Rome perfectly!
There's a variety of thoughts and rants loading my cranium to over-capacity.
Along with heavy traffic towards another goal that I'm working to reach.
Thankfully FRIDAY! has given me the green light.
So here's something that I will throw into the spotlight.

What the hell is going on with you folks today?!?
Because your not a size quad-0 then your just an average eye strain?
BREAKING NEWS: Bitch, you're fabulous. No matter which shape you come in.
Skinny, slimmy, curvy, or plus size. Whichever skin your bad self fits in.

Talking bad about your body when in reality you are a sanctuary.
And you can modify the foundation. No paint or contract required.
Don't going basic on the look though. You can aspire for higher.
Lose some baggage here, add a layer of ink there.
Who knows? Maybe you'll like yourself and those haters can flock off without your care.

Moral of the stanza: Love Yourself!
Looking for love from the outside when the source is found from within.
How you expect someone to love you when you can't love yourself?
Give yourself a hug. Treat yourself to something sweet.
Because that's what you are...too sweet!

That was for fans of the NWO...4 Life haha.
4 Life. Hmm...that's a true story.
Because there is something that you have to put up with 4 Life. That would be you.
Life is a blast, a struggle and an inner narrative told to the thousands.
When someone picks up your book, would they read it from beginning to end?
Or would they simply read "Chapter 1" then throw it in the used bin?

I mean if you can't put up with yourself, you might as well unplug the controller.
Turn of the system and sell it back to GameStop.
Just S-T-O-P. Stop!
You're a badass with the potential to level up the badassery.
Believe In You. Love You. And show off for all the world to see.

Live For Now and like the swoosh famously said: Just Do It.
If you don't love yourself then how the hell can you live life to the fullest.



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